We are Gemini
We live and love our shoes - with passion, heart and full commitment we create extraordinary designs combined with comfortable and sustainably produced shoes.
The Gemini brand learned to walk in 1985. Founded by Jürgen Bühler initially as a sole proprietorship in Stuttgart, his idea of producing comfortable high-quality shoes at affordable prices quickly met with success. In 1990, the company moves to Kirchheim/Teck and from then on operates as a limited liability company (GmbH). Due to the wellness trend and growing health and leisure orientation, the market for uncomplicated and at the same time beautiful shoes is growing. Jürgen Bühler and the team feel that the Gemini way is the right one and meet the customers' demands with many new models, features and designs. In 1998/1999 the capacity limit in the old factory premises is reached again. In 2000 Gemini moves to larger buildings in Weilheim/Teck. Here, the entire team continues to work every day to inspire people with shoes for foot health and the pleasure of walking.
This is us
Jürgen Bühler
General Manager
Carmen Bühler
Product Manager
Gregor Lemberger
We are Gemini
We live and love our shoes - with passion, heart and full commitment we create extraordinary designs combined with comfortable and sustainably produced shoes.
The Gemini brand learned to walk in 1985. Founded by Jürgen Bühler initially as a sole proprietorship in Stuttgart, his idea of producing comfortable high-quality shoes at affordable prices quickly met with success. In 1990, the company moves to Kirchheim/Teck and from then on operates as a limited liability company (GmbH). Due to the wellness trend and growing health and leisure orientation, the market for uncomplicated and at the same time beautiful shoes is growing. Jürgen Bühler and the team feel that the Gemini way is the right one and meet the customers' demands with many new models, features and designs. In 1998/1999 the capacity limit in the old factory premises is reached again. In 2000 Gemini moves to larger buildings in Weilheim/Teck. Here, the entire team continues to work every day to inspire people with shoes for foot health and the pleasure of walking.
This is us
Jürgen Bühler
General Manager
Carmen Bühler
Product Manager
Gregor Lemberger
We are Gemini
We live and love our shoes - with passion, heart and full commitment we create extraordinary designs combined with comfortable and sustainably produced shoes.
This is us
Jürgen Bühler
General Manager
Carmen Bühler
Product Manager
Gregor Lemberger
The Gemini brand learned to walk in 1985. Founded by Jürgen Bühler initially as a sole proprietorship in Stuttgart, his idea of producing comfortable high-quality shoes at affordable prices quickly met with success. In 1990, the company moves to Kirchheim/Teck and from then on operates as a limited liability company (GmbH).
Due to the wellness trend and growing health and leisure orientation, the market for uncomplicated and at the same time beautiful shoes is growing. Jürgen Bühler and the team feel that the Gemini way is the right one and meet the customers' demands with many new models, features and designs.
In 1998/1999 the capacity limit in the old factory premises is reached again. In 2000 Gemini moves to larger buildings in Weilheim/Teck. Here, the entire team continues to work every day to inspire people with shoes for foot health and the pleasure of walking.
We are Gemini
We live and love our shoes - with passion, heart and full commitment we create extraordinary designs combined with comfortable and sustainably produced shoes.
This is us
Jürgen Bühler
General Manager
Carmen Bühler
Product Manager
Gregor Lemberger
The Gemini brand learned to walk in 1985. Founded by Jürgen Bühler initially as a sole proprietorship in Stuttgart, his idea of producing comfortable high-quality shoes at affordable prices quickly met with success. In 1990, the company moves to Kirchheim/Teck and from then on operates as a limited liability company (GmbH).
Due to the wellness trend and growing health and leisure orientation, the market for uncomplicated and at the same time beautiful shoes is growing. Jürgen Bühler and the team feel that the Gemini way is the right one and meet the customers' demands with many new models, features and designs.
In 1998/1999 the capacity limit in the old factory premises is reached again. In 2000 Gemini moves to larger buildings in Weilheim/Teck. Here, the entire team continues to work every day to inspire people with shoes for foot health and the pleasure of walking.
Das Geheimnis der bequemen Schuhe von Gemini
Komfortschuhe sind nicht nur für unsere Füße sehr wichtig, sondern haben für den gesamten Körper einen wesentlichen Nutzen. Die gemütliche Laufsohle dämpft den Aufprall bei jedem Schritt und reduziert somit die Kraftauswirkung. Bequeme Schuhe von Gemini reduzieren die Stoß- und Stauchbelastung, die sich auf die Gelenke auswirkt, wenn Sie Ihre Füße auf harten Boden aufsetzen.
Wie das möglich ist
Mit über 30 Jahren Branchenerfahrung ist Gemini stets dabei, die Passform und den Komfort der Schuhe zu verbessern. Weiches Softleder liegt angenehm am Fuß und passt sich hervorragend der individuellen Form an. Die Modelle werden in Deutschland entwickelt und anschließend in präziser Handarbeit produziert: mit Liebe zum Detail und zum schönen Design.
Für jeden der richtige Schuh: großes Sortiment für Damen und Herren
Sommer im Herzen und in den Schuhen – das steht bei Gemini im Vordergrund. Die bequemsten Schuhe kommen in unterschiedlichen Varianten, ob für besondere Momente oder einen entspannten Shopping-Ausflug, kurz gesagt: Für jede Gelegenheit. Unsere Kollektion für Frauen bietet den passenden Schuh für heiße Tage und kühle Abende, die einen umwerfenden Anblick bereiten.
Was sie alle gemeinsam haben: Die Schuhe sind bequem und aus hochwertigem Leder gefertigt. Die Decksohle ist besonders weich und passt sich dem Fuß präzise an. Die ergonomisch geformte Laufsohle unterstützt die natürliche Abrollbewegung beim Laufen und fördert eine gerade Körperhaltung.
Die meisten Gemini Modelle sind mit der Schuhweite G ausgezeichnet. Das steht für die Komfort-Weite für Füße, die normal breit sind. Diese Schuhweite zeichnet sich durch ihre gemütliche Passform aus. Dank handgefertigter Materialien sitzt der bequeme Schuh wunderbar leicht am Fuß. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Produkten überzeugen und finden Sie genau das richtige Modell für den Alltag, denn bequeme Schuhe kann man einfach nie genug haben.
Everything from one source
Where and how we get our ideas remains our best-kept secret, of course.
The latest trends are specially designed by our product designer Mrs. Bühler.
We have our products produced exclusively in selected small European companies.
Gemini shoes are sold both wholesale and retail, as well as online.
Everything from one source
Where and how we get our ideas remains our best-kept secret, of course.
The latest trends are specially designed by our product designer Mrs. Bühler.
We have our products produced exclusively in selected small European companies.
Gemini shoes are sold both wholesale and retail, as well as online.
Everything from one source
Where and how we get our ideas remains our best-kept secret, of course.
We have our products produced exclusively in selected small European companies.
The latest trends are specially designed by our product designer Mrs. Bühler.
Gemini shoes are sold both wholesale and retail, as well as online.
Everything from one source
Where and how we get our ideas remains our best-kept secret, of course.
We have our products produced exclusively in selected small European companies.
The latest trends are specially designed by our product designer Mrs. Bühler.
Gemini shoes are sold both wholesale and retail, as well as online.